Best Foods for Your Teeth

A trip to the dentist can be polarizing - some people love it and some people need the happy gas just to make it through. One thing everyone can agree on though… a cavity is a major buzzkill. Keep your (and your kiddos) teeth healthy by consuming foods that help support the strength and health of your mouth. Below is a list of the 10 best foods for keeping those pearly whites healthy and shiny:

Apples - The ideal "dessert" for any lunch as apples have a scrubbing effect that help produce saliva in your mouth and rinse away bacteria and food particles.

Celery - Celery is firm and crunchy and has a high water content that gently scrubs and cleans teeth surfaces, removing plaque and food particles.

Carrots - Crunchy and high in fiber, carrots are the perfect snack to crunch on for your teeth. Along with the high fiber content, carrots also contain quite a bit of vitamin A to help keep your mouth from getting dried out.

Milk - Everybody knows milk is high in calcium and aside from water is the best drink for your oral health. The calcium in milk helps protect your teeth against gum disease and keeps your jaw bones strong and healthy.

Cheese - Cheese has been shown to lower the pH in your mouth, neutralizing the plaque acid. Cheese is also high in calcium which helps keep tooth enamel strong and healthy.

Yogurt - Yogurt, like milk and cheese, is high in both calcium and protein that help strengthen and protect your teeth. The probiotics (or good bacteria) found in yogurt also benefit the health of your gums. And since sugar is the biggest enemy of oral health, choose a yogurt that is full-fat, plain and/or low in sugar.

Eggs - The yolk of an egg is packed with vitamin D which your body needs in order to absorb calcium and build and maintain healthy teeth.

Broccoli - Broccoli is filled with a wide assortment of vitamins and minerals, making it one of the healthiest foods not only for your body, but also for your teeth. In addition to its strengthening benefits, crunching on raw broccoli helps break apart plaque to help naturally whiten your smile.

Leafy Greens - Always at the top of the healthy food list and it's for good reason. When it comes to your teeth, leafy greens bring calcium to help build enamel and folic acid, a B vitamin that helps protect against gum disease.

Nuts & Seeds - The crunch of nuts alone stimulates the saliva in your mouth to rinse the bacteria from your teeth. Many nuts and seeds like pumpkin seeds are high in phosphorus that supports calcium in building strong teeth.