Pretty Strawberry Toast


A quick Pinterest search will unearth the multitude of toast ideas that are out there these days - seriously, there are SO MANY…avocado was just the beginning, people. My girls love avocado toast (sometimes) one day then all they sudden they don’t. It’s really hard to keep up with…



So as I was checking out the large array of toast options, I came across a beautiful picture of strawberry toast but there was no link so I took a close look and decided to recreate it using things I knew my kids would like. Now some of you may say your kids would never eat goat cheese, I’m sure that’s true - but my kids love it so 1. worth a try? and 2. if they for sure won’t eat goat chees, you could definitely use cream cheese or almond milk cream cheese for a sweeter version.

So without further ado…here she is. And she tastes as pretty as she looks - I promise (I broke my dairy-free during the week rule just for this).



1-2 Slices Bread, toasted (I like Dave’s Killer but any brand will do)

1-2 Tbsp Goat Cheese




  1. Place goat cheese and 1-2 chopped strawberries in a bowl and mash well until smooth.

  2. Spread onto toast and drizzle with honey and sprinkle a little flaky salt on top.