As any of you that get my Friday email know, we spent some time down at the lake to celebrate Mason's birthday - the weather was a little chilly for swimming (in June! Can you believe it?) but it was so nice to just get away and have some time with ourselves and the kids. The girls loved a different kind of vacation and were excited by the lake and just running around outside the house we were staying at - it was a great time - we’ll definitely be going back.
We kept our meals pretty simple - eggs, bacon, and fruit for breakfast, snack-style lunches, and grilling or eating at the marina for dinner. Now for the part y'all really care about…the snacks - because you know I brought all the snacks. Any water involving activity (lake, pool, beach, etc.) is tricky when it comes to snacks because you want something easy and accessible without being able to melt quickly or get soggy - and honestly, I just didn’t want to do too much work to get everything ready. So without further ado…here are the snacks we brought and some other ideas for what to bring when you're headed to a water-involved summer activity.
Frozen Grapes
Babybel Cheese
Sandwich Quarters
Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies & Fruit Snacks
Cliff Z Bars
Nature’s Bakery GF Fig Bars
Veggie & Dip Cups
Fruit Cups
Apple Slices & Bananas w/ Nut Butter Packets
Simple Mills Crunchy Cookies