The One Where The Baby Refuses To Nap

For years (even after I discovered I loved to cook), I struggled to get dinner on the table when my day got out of whack for any reason…but mainly, kids. As obvious as it may sound, to get out of that nasty cycle of ordering take out or going out every time something got me off my intended schedule, I started stocking my freezer. “With what?” you ask? With quick-cook proteins. My favorites are organic boneless, skinless chicken thighs and chicken sausages. I love these in particular because they thaw and cook relatively quickly and you don’t need to marinate or season them extravagantly for dinner to taste amazing. Yesterday was one of those days…the baby (is it even fair to call Camille a baby anymore? Pretty sure, no, but whatever) would. not. take. a. nap. and so my beautiful plans for trying out a new recipe were completely foiled. BUT - surprise! We still ate dinner (at home) last night! Call that a win.


Here’s the secret - now, when I realize things aren’t going my way, I grab a package of frozen chicken from the freezer and get it thawing then reach for whatever veggies are available in the fridge. I give those a chop, toss them in some olive oil and salt and pepper and place them around the chicken on the sheet pan. For thighs, I like to drizzle on some avocado oil, salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning or TJ’s 21 Seasoning Salute. Into a 400F oven for 20-25 minutes (or until 165F internal temp) and voila! Dinner is served and baby’s no longer stealing your vibes.
