The Vitamin ABC's

I know I've said it before but we talk, talk, talk about food at our house a lot. And when we're at the dinner table we usually talk about the food we're eating at least at some point and I like to be ready with a reason as to why my girls might WANT to eat something. It’s also a fun little game I like to play when kids of friends are over for dinner and might not want to try what’s on their plate.

And here's the thing…kids are smart! They love to listen and learn when you're explaining to them something cool like what happens when you eat a certain food. For example - my girls and their friends LOVE when I tell them cucumbers have a lot of water in them that can help their skin sparkle just like their favorite princess. Pretty sure my girls tell everyone that one now…

Recently, my older girls were taking their vitamins (they love to take their vitamins before bed) and Kate asked what a vitamin was. I started by explaining that a vitamin is a compound our bodies need to be healthy and that there are essential vitamins (ABCDE, and K) that our body needs but can not make itself. In order to get these essential vitamins, you have to eat foods that have them in it. Luckily we know what each vitamin does and the foods we need to eat to get them! I’ve created a handy little chart below with the essential vitamins, what they do, and the foods to consume to get those vitamins. I bet your kids will love knowing these fun facts too!

essential vitamins - Infographics.png